Friday, 2 December 2011

Film Poster: Final Draft Editing Process

Stage 1

After feedback, I was told that I needed to add cartoon clouds in order to add to the comic eefect of the poster. Therefore, I created a new image on Photoshop.

I then selected the 'Brush' tool and selected an appropriate size.

Here you can see that I have now drawn a cloud with the 'Brush' tool.

It is now ready to drag onto my film poster. Firstly, I selected the image of the cloud and dragged it across the screen to the left onto the film poster.

I did this a few times and edited the 'Opacity'. However, I decided against the cloud because the film psoter appeared to clustered and didn't appeal to my target audience after asking a few of them what they thought. Therefore, I removed them.

Stage 2

Instead, I added a light gradient of white/blue to the top of the film poster with the 'Gradiant' tool in order to create something of a sky. This is because I still needed to take on advice given to me by my target audience.

Stage 3

Here, I added the transparent logos that I created previously for my Film Trailer. Similar skills were required on 'Photoshop'.

Stage 4

Finally, you can now see the final draft of my film poster is complete and has those matching conventions that make it look real.

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