Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Sound Research

Creating & Saving an MP3 File in Garage Band

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Sound Research from Garage Band

Researching Sounds


This website was very useful because it was easy to access an appropriate sound track called "Kickstarter" easily and effectively. However, it didn't allow me too save the soundtracks so unfortunately I was unable to use it. This caused a problem because I found that one particular track consisted of much more musical flavour then any of my "Dance Beats" from "Garage Band" did. This contrasted the different soundtracks my target audience would of enjoyed. Therefore, making my trailer interesting and enticing for the viewer. Overall though, progress has been good and more research is needed.


This is the same website I was unable to use for soundtracks. However, it allowed me to download and use sound effects. Firstly, I went too the "Vehicle" section and downloaded certain car noises that would represent the car sounds in my animatic that you will here in my actual trailer when it's finished.


This part of the website offered me a variety of noises made by humans I could use as diegetic in my animatic. In my actual trailer all of these noises will have been created by my actors. However, the sounds I found here are a good substitute and will generate the same purpose as my trailer when it is finished. Overall, the diegetic sound effects proved effective and will help me visualise my trailer in a more articulate way.

Saving Sounds from www.pacdv.com/sounds/free-music.html

Stage 1

To save sound effects I clicked "Ctrl + Right Click" on the track I wanted to download. After that, I pressed "Save Linked File As..." and this opened up a window in "Finder".

Stage 2

Finally, I found the folder "A2 Sound Research" and pressed "Save" so that my new soundtrack was in an accessible place for future purposes.

Music found from College

This is music that I found on a CD from College. I originally thought it would have some music I could use in my trailer that would appeal to my target audience. However, the following sounds you hear in this video are extremely childish and would be very disorientating for my audience to listen too. Personally, it the type of music you would expect on a children's cartoon. 

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