Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Evaluation: Question 4 - How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

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Firstly, I used Youtube as an efficient source to find existing film trailers for my research so that I could effectively crop them and place them into my textual analysis. Furthermore, during the construction stage it was helpful for finding tutorials in 'Final Cut Express' and 'Photoshop' that would help me use them software's in a easier way. Another positive of using Youtube is that it's direct contact with my target audience main;y because everyone is aware of the websites existence, making it easier to gain feedback. Lastly, after my product was finished it was the perfect place to upload videos quickly because it is compatible with Blogspot, meaning that I could embed videos easily into my blog.


Google was very useful during the research stage because it was the easiest source to use in order to find existing products, tutorials and any other websites or images I needed for visual evidence. Moreover, 'Google' was extremely useful when I wanted to research sound and download some for my trailer.  For instance, I found the following magazine covers that I have used excessively throughout my construction.


Dafont was an amazing website that was actually found through 'Google' too. It offered me a range of different fonts that helped create the blogpost ', Font Research'. Without this website, it would have been a huge difficulty to find fonts that would appeal to my target audience, and also be using in my film promotional package.


'Facebook' is one of the leading social network sites. Therefore, not using it would have been idiotic. I decided that it was the perfect place to pitch to my target audience in a wider area then just my college. I commonly used it during my audience research and also to gain valuable feedback that I could then use to improve my products. 

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In the construction stages, using modern media technologies could be difficult. However the variation of skills I developed in order to create my Trailer in 'Final Cut Express' grew everytime. I took advantage of the crop tool in order to make my trailer appear in a widescreen and also so it looked professional. 

Editing Sound

Moreover, editing sound was easy so I used that in order to give my main product a professional soundtrack. Therefore, by being able to use this software, I am gaining a sense of how real film trailers are developed. 

Animating Logo

Furthermore, I used the animation tools in 'Final Cut Express' in order to make my film trailer more professional and to also convey common conventions. Therefore, to use it, I had to develop skills in 'Final Cut Express' so that I could match this professional convention.

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 Garage Band

'Garage Band' was an excessable software I could use in my research stage when I wanted to edit my sound research fro videos. It is also very compatible with 'Final Cut Express' meaning that I could export it as an MP3 in order to use it in my main product. I can't say it was useful for my ancillary products, but I did take advantage of the many sound effects it offered.

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I used 'Photoshop' during the construction of my magazine cover. I developed many skills in certain tools such as; cropping and also Fx. 'Photoshop' is one of the leading software's for ancillary products. Therefore, using it would make my product look professional, so I used it in the same way as mainstream films products.

It was also very useful during the construction of my film poster. I developed a skill in refining edges and cropping images from background with the magic tool. Furthermore, 'Photoshop' was very useful when I was developing my main product because I used it to create my logos and credits so that my product would look professional.

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I used the tripod in order to capture professional shots that I didn't want handheld. Therefore, by using the appropriate tripod, I was able to show a degree of professionalism within my film trailer.

Furthermore, using the appropriate camera was vital. I didn't want my trailer to appear amateur during the construction of my film trailer. Therefore, by using high qualitative camera, I showed I could use new media technologies in order to appear professional. However, I didn't use the moving image camera during the research and construction of my ancillary products, but I did use 'PhotoBooth' in class when I make blog video posts. 

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Direction was important in the construction of my magazine. I had to position my actors correctly, and motivate them to depict the correct facial expressions and body language so that my product would have an effective image. In earlier blog posts, you can actually watch videos of my direction too. Therefore, showing my professional standards.

Similar in my film trailer, I had to use directive authority so that my actors concentrated and produced the product I wanted. However, they did and I was satisfied with the positive feedback I received. Although this isn't a media technologies, it still reinforced the outcome of my products and were used to a industrial standard.


Overall, I feel I have used media technologies effectively throughout my research, planning, construction and evaluations because throughout my work it is evident that all the software's I have used and camera techniques work in unison to create industrial standard products. However, it it were possible, I would have used a boom mike in my trailer in order to make the diegetic sound more enhanced. However, I am still happy and feel I used a variety of media technologies that best suited my knowledge and understanding of creating a film promotional package.